This application supports all functions of the original remote control for MAG 250 and Aura HD STB.New feature: TV remote control. 2 in 1 application.
Features:* IrDA and Wi-Fi* TV remote control (via IrDA)* Widget for Home and Lock screens* Auto discovery* Support multiple STBs* Sensitivity* Soft Keyboard
Today MAG250 Remote doesn't require IrDA any more, it can use Wi-Fi to communicate with STB MAG 250 and Aura HD.Control your STB MAG 250 from any device without IrDA.Just enable Wi-Fi Сonnectivity if your device doesn't have IrDA and configure Remote Control on STB MAG 250.
Widget provides basic functions of IR Remote.
The application support remote control for TV: "SAMSUNG", "LG", "SONY", "PANASONIC", "TOSHIBA", "PHILIPS", "JVC", "SHARP", "HITACHI", "FUJITSU", "TCL".
Limits:Wi-Fi Connectivity feature is compatible with a firmware version 0.2.18-r5 and higher